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Show Your Commitment to Local Journalism
Independent media like MN CRIME rely on community support to survive. Your donation is a direct investment in responsible, independent journalism that serves your community.
How Your Support of MN CRIME Matters
Support Independent Public Safety Reporting
MN CRIME provides real-time, fact-based updates on critical incidents across Minnesota, giving you timely information that can keep your community informed and safe.
Help Keep the Public Informed
Your donation ensures that breaking news and important updates reach thousands of Minnesotans daily, helping people stay connected to what’s happening in their neighborhoods.
Promote Transparency and Accountability:
MN CRIME emphasizes government transparency and law enforcement accountability. Donations enable continuous, in-depth coverage of local and state-level public safety issues.
Expand Coverage Across Minnesota
With your support, MN CRIME can grow its reach beyond current areas, covering more cities, rural communities, and neighboring states like Wisconsin.
Enable Continued High Quality
Maintaining scanners, equipment, and advanced tools for real-time reporting is costly. Donations allow MN CRIME to stay equipped with the best technology available to deliver accurate, timely reports.
Foster Community Engagement
Your contribution helps MN CRIME engage with and foster a sense of connection in local communities, by covering incidents that impact daily life and safety in real-time.
Sustain Educational Content
Donations allow MN CRIME to produce more educational content, such as safety tips and in-depth analyses of public safety trends, which help residents better understand their environment and act accordingly.
Help Investigative Reporting Thrive
MN CRIME's deep-dive investigations into incidents and long-term public safety issues benefit from funding that enables comprehensive research and reporting.