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News, Latest, Crime MN CRIME News, Latest, Crime MN CRIME

Three Charged in 21-year-old Woman's OD Death

Three people have been charged with aiding and abetting 3rd-degree murder, accused of providing a 21-year-old woman with the drugs that caused her death. 23-year-old Haley Ross and 21-year-old Connor Hoeft, both of North Mankato, along with 25-year-old Kueth Ruae, of Mankato, were all formally charged in court earlier this week.

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News, Latest, Fire MN CRIME News, Latest, Fire MN CRIME

Man Jumps to Safety From Burning Home Near Cook

The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office says two people were able to escape a house fire early Thursday morning, with one of the residents jumping from a 2nd-story window. Emergency crews were dispatched to the 9900 block of Highway 22 in Alango Township, which is south of Cook. Dispatch received a 911 call from a resident saying there was smoke coming from the upstairs bedroom, where her nephew had been staying.

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